Hi Everybody!!
Do You have a few Favorite Things? If there are 7 billion of us on Earth, that means there is a possibility for 7 billion different Favorite Things! And 7 billion different opinions of Life from each perspective. That makes each one of us an unique creation. Does anybody really think we will ever agree on anything? I think the only agreement we can ever make to each other is to Agree to Disagree and accept our uniqueness. Anyway, I wonder if any of You would Choose Baby Birds and Rainbows as two of your Favorite Things? Enjoy!
From the Google Index:
unique - definition of unique by the Free Online Dictionary ...
World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peckerwood is the Dad!
Red-bellied Woodpecker
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Red-bellied Woodpecker | |
Adult male | |
Conservation status | |
Scientific classification | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Aves |
Subclass: | Neornithes |
Infraclass: | Neognathae |
Superorder: | Neoaves |
Order: | Piciformes |
Suborder: | Pici |
Family: | Picidae |
Subfamily: | Picinae |
Tribe: | Dendropicini |
Genus: | Melanerpes |
Species: | M. carolinus |
Binomial name | |
Melanerpes carolinus (Linnaeus, 1758) |
The Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) is a medium-sized woodpecker of the Picidae family. It breeds in southern Canada and the northeastern United States, ranging as far south as Florida and as far west asTexas. Its common name is somewhat misleading, as the most prominent red part of its plumage is on the head; the Red-headed Woodpecker however is another species that is a rather close relative but looks quite different.
Description [edit]
Adults are mainly light gray on the face and underparts; they have black and white barred patterns on their back, wings and tail. Adult males have a red headside going from the bill to the nape; females have a red patch on the nape and another above the bill. The reddish tinge on the belly that gives the bird its name is difficult to see in field identification. They are 9 to 10.5 inches long, and have a wingspan of 15 to 18 inches.[3]
These birds mainly search out arthropods on tree trunks. They may also catch insects in flight. They areomnivores, eating insects, fruits, nuts and seeds. Their breeding habitat is usually deciduous forests. They nest in the decayed cavities of dead trees, old stumps, or in live trees that have softer wood such as elms, maples, orwillows; both sexes assist in digging nesting cavities. Areas around nest sites are marked with drilling holes to warn others away.
Though the species is not globally threatened, it depends on large trees for nesting. In areas that are extensivelydeforested, the birds will sometimes utilize gardens, but for the most part simply will not be present in any numbers.[4]
The end of this Rainbow was over my Street! I guess that makes me the pot of Gold!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection of light in water droplets in the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in aspectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc.
Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.
Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.
In a "primary rainbow", the arc shows red on the outer part and violet on the inner side. This rainbow is caused by light being refracted while entering a droplet of water, then reflected inside on the back of the droplet and refracted again when leaving it.
In a double rainbow, a second arc is seen outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colours reversed, red facing toward the other one, in both rainbows. This second rainbow is caused by light reflecting twice inside water droplets.
Rainbows can be observed whenever there are water drops in the air and sunlight shining from behind at a lowaltitude angle. The most spectacular rainbow displays happen when half the sky is still dark with raining cloudsand the observer is at a spot with clear sky in the direction of the sun. The result is a luminous rainbow that contrasts with the darkened background.
Number of colours in spectrum or rainbow
A spectrum obtained using a glass prism and a point source is a continuum of wavelengths without bands. The number of colours that the human eye is able to distinguish in a spectrum is in the order of 100.[5] Accordingly, the Munsell colour system (a 20th century system for numerically describing colours, based on equal steps for human visual perception) distinguishes 100 hues. The apparent discreteness of main colours is an artefact of human perception and the exact number of main colours is a somewhat arbitrary choice.
Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Indigo | Violet |
The seven main colours |
Newton originally (1672) divided the spectrum into five main colours. Later he included orange and indigo, giving seven main colours by analogy to the number of notes in a musical scale.[1][6]
The colour pattern of a rainbow is different from a spectrum, and the colours are less saturated. There is spectral smearing in a rainbow owing to the fact that for any particular wavelength, there is a distribution of exit angles, rather than a single unvarying angle.[7] In addition, a rainbow is a blurred version of the bow obtained from a point source, because the disk diameter of the sun (0.5°) cannot be neglected compared to the width of a rainbow (2°). The number of colour bands of a rainbow may therefore be different from the number of bands in a spectrum, especially if the droplets are either large or small. Therefore, the number of colours of a rainbow is variable. If, however, the word rainbow is used inaccurately to mean spectrum, it is the number of main colours in the spectrum.
Rainbow after sunlight bursts through after an intense shower in Maraetai, New Zealand
Higher-order rainbows
Higher-order rainbows were described by Felix Billet (1808–1882) who depicted angular positions up to the 19th-order rainbow, a pattern he called a "rose of rainbows".[18][19] In the laboratory, it is possible to observe higher-order rainbows by using extremely bright and well collimated light produced by lasers. Up to the 200th-order rainbow was reported by Ng et al. in 1998 using a similar method but an argon ion laser beam.[20]
Isaac Newton demonstrated that white light was composed of the light of all the colours of the rainbow, which a glass prism could separate into the full spectrum of colours, rejecting the theory that the colours were produced by a modification of white light. He also showed that red light is refracted less than blue light, which led to the first scientific explanation of the major features of the rainbow.[46] Newton's corpuscular theory of light was unable to explain supernumerary rainbows, and a satisfactory explanation was not found until Thomas Young realised that light behaves as a wave under certain conditions, and can interfere with itself.
...this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek.
See You next time! Sending out good vibes, send some back at me! Love You Guys!
Of course, one more great performance:
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