Hi Everybody!!
Tonight we conclude the photostudy of 12/28/13 with the last 2 album links below. I hope you noticed the light and the sky as it developed during the day. I am hearing good things about the buzzards from some of you! Thank you and I am glad they are winning your hearts! Tonight we end the year with a celebrated tiny guest. I encourage you to celebrate the birds where you are and feed them! Happy Birding in the New Year!
(continued from yesterday, below are the last 2 photostudies of 12/28):
study 10
link to photostudy:
study 11
link to photostudy:
The winter hummer made it through December!! This is a "first" for me to witness in this location. He seems to have extra feathers and he is fat and eating well at the feeders.
(All the other hummingbirds left in October to go winter over in Mexico).
link to photostudy:
...this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek. See You next time! From the tiny birds to the big birds-They are all important.

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