Hi Everybody!!

Hi Everybody!!
Welcome to my Hometown!!
Showing posts with label Sunset Solar Flare Watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunset Solar Flare Watch. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012


Hi Everybody!!  
Please come in for a short Sun Study.
Your photostudy tonight is my Texas Sunset from last evening.
 (Sunday, August 19).

Your Video Lineup are the most current videos out today about the Sun and the Earth.
And it is official: the Summer Sun has heated the Earth to the highest recorded temperatures in the month of July. This trend is continuing in August.
Anyone who still thinks this is just a normal summer has not considered the Data.

We have begun a period of new Global Enlightenment due to the predictions and realizations of increased Natural Disasters. I know I am discovering things I have never considered before.
I am sure it is that way with You also.
August 11/12 seems to be the beginning of increased earthquake activity and intensity. The earthquakes in Iran, while not that high in reported magnitude, leveled 12 villages and killed over 300 so far. Remember last week it was reported in one of the videos, that all scales have been changed by one point down. I do not know if that is true. Yet in a couple of the following videos, you will see reference made with surprise at the damage of a 4 or 5 scale Earthquake.
There is also strong evidence suggesting a relationship between active sunspots and active earthquakes.

However, it is official that there is no "official" report to the public of this relationship: Huge Solar Flare and CME event=Earthquakes on Earth.
We are all on our own to make our own conclusions. You know how to use your Google Search Box to look up information. I have attempted to bring You reliable videos from people who seem to care. And, I love You All. Enjoy the Sunset. There is so much red dust in our sky!


Feature Presentation:  Video Lineup

Updates on Sun Predictions, Watches, Warnings, Events of Earth, ETC for
mid-August, 2012

 (From You Tube Site):
Just Push PLAY!!! (These are all short)

Goodnight Everybody!! Remember no one really knows anything about the future. It is good to enjoy everyday as if it were your Last Day until it is the Last Day. The most You can prepare for is No Electricity or Water. Of course, You determine your risk based on your location on Earth and whatever You choose to believe.

I spoke to the highest Authority I know about the trends seen at the present time regarding our Home. My Answer was the same Answer it has always been from this Source:  
Trust God, 
The Creator, 
Who has a plan for all of Us!

...this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek.  See You Next Time!
Let Love Surround You and bring you Comfort and Joy.