Hi Everybody!!

Hi Everybody!!
Welcome to my Hometown!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bringing Spring Joy to my Cold Friends! (An International Nature Photo Blog)

Hi Everybody!  Nature Break, Come on in!

Welcome to the first ever International Nature PhotoBlog created in Waller County, (Hempstead, Texas)!  

I know, not a really big News Flash today, but I believe we are really going to grow as a community here on Google Blogspot. Never before in the history of my lifetime, has there been an opportunity to even meet people on the other side of the world. (Except one trip I made abroad to England, France, Germany and Denmark, many years ago!) The states are actually isolated from the rest of the world. The barriers are:  the water, the languages, the local customs and lifestyles (and/or religious preferences), and money (to travel). These barriers separate us, but what unites us is that we are all of the Human Species on our Planet Earth.
It is to the benefit of all of us to think about and discuss the problems and solutions of living on Earth.
Today in February 2012, let's look at what barriers have been overcome.  The Internet has bridged the water so well that there is no water anymore!  Google+, Facebook, Myspace and other Social Media, have provided the world stage and invited us all to come to the dance. Because the social medias benefit by us being here and forming communities, they have provided the Translators that work well enough that there is no language barrier (once you figure out how to translate!). Affordable computers and internet service, many phone options  have wiped out Money (to travel).
That only leaves local customs and lifestyles, (and/or religious preferences) as our last barrier.
That is where we, the people, come in.  By sharing our personal experiences and life, we learn of each others lifestyles and customs, problems and solutions on a Global Platform!  On this page, we have come together basically as Nature Lovers. The caregivers. We care about each other and all life on earth.  In my opinion, That is a Great Place to start!

Keep in mind we just started coming together since Jan 1, 2012 and it is now the first week of February, 2012. Here are some of the countries represented by You that have signed on: England, Germany, Japan, India, Australia, Canada,S. Africa, France,China, Bulgaria and a couple of us from the states. I am not going to use your names as some of you use stage names (as in JAWS, it is not his real name!) I invite you (if you want to), to leave your name, country and website (and/or blogsite) in the comment box below, so that others here on this site can reach you if they want. For example, my friend Gisela is in Germany. She just started her blog 2 weeks ago. Please leave your blogsite address in the box so others can see you. I would also like to visit everyone and see your website and or blogsite or social media profile! This is only optional if you want to do it, and it is open anytime for any comment or future blogsite you may want to share here. No requirements to come here to visit me and no cost!  I am also on G+, Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo & Messenger-so,  good to connect to you where ever you are!

The greatest to me is getting to tour the world through Your photos, posts and stories (and letters). My one trip abroad did create a deep desire to get to know people from all corners of the globe and discover what their life is like. I have seen so many things for the first time on the Google Plus. So many colorful birds and flowers and all the places that some of you have seen, it is just amazing. We are all creatures of comfort and habit. Most of us will stay close to where we were born. As for me coming from South Texas, the biggest "culture shock" to me is How Cold it is Everywhere else in the World!! For 60 years I have seen winter in Texas. I have not had to ever deal with the snow or ice or wear so many clothes. I remember one of the first great photos I saw was of snow. It looked so pretty that my mind could not believe it was real. I did ask Jurgen if it was real. Of course it was!!  Jerry Robin introduced me to Big Ice on a mountain (painted, too).
(It was real, too!) This week, Stephen took us on a walk through the snow past a frozen-over stream. Snow that looked like Texas Cotton. +Linda Duval sent a newsclip of France in frozen elements. And this morning +Rumiana Nikolova of Bulgaria sent a photo of a blizzard happening where she is! My South African friend left a message this morning that my post of last night made her wish that the winter was over. I said I would share my Spring. I felt that my post last night of the little peach bud opening in the rain was nice but still grey.
So tonight I bring you Many Peach Blossoms so you can better feel the warmth of the Texas Sun. These photos were all taken here in my garden last spring.  I experimented with the editing tools available online.
I make them into gift card/envelope sets, to raise money for the Bird Sanctuary. (Keep me in mind if You ever want a boxed gift card set for anybody- I call them Birdnest Boxes, coming out on a website soon)

So to all my New International Frozen Friends:  I am sending warm thoughts out to you and bringing you a taste of my Spring down here in Texas!  Enjoy Your Peach Blossom Photostudy!

Goodnight Everybody!!

For more information on Peach Tree Blossoms:

,,,this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek



  1. This is so beautiful and eye catchy. Thanks for this.

    Sample letters

    1. Dear brendasue watson, Enjoyed your photos and comments so much am joining your blog. Please know this is my first time "in a blog" so will be learning "social etiquette".Please know I am a willing learner :o). Only have a gmail address-plvande@gmail.com, so am leaving it as you suggested. No website or blog.Thanks for how you brighten days to so many in so many ways. :=)


Hi Everybody! Please say hello and follow so I know you are here! Due to the inconsideration of people trying to put commercials on my blog comment area, I have restricted use of anonymous posts. Sorry that some hurt all.
My public email is katescabin@gmail.com No spammers or trolls