Hi Everybody! Please come in and get comfortable.
Tonight Your photostudy is 13 shots for June 13. I took all of these shots around the Bird Sanctuary just a couple of days ago. You will see some of my summer trees-all green and beautiful. I have so many trees and plenty of shade to stay cool. I planned it this way for the birds and then I planted little trees for years!
After the photostudy, You will see a sneak preview of our new Summer Blog Event!!!!! It is so cool.
Summer Schedule:
The Blog Posts will continue Mon-Fri (midnight post).
The format will remain the same as the past six months-a few photos, a few videos, a little subject information. You never know what is coming up next!!(Neither do I).
We do have a few subject requests:
Newborn babies
Growing Vegetables
Creating Bird Habitats
Flowers for attracting butterflies
More Space Exploration (!)
And, Yes, Yes, Yes to more trips!
Thank You for all the +1s, comments, emails from all of You. The comments do not transfer from G+ to the Blog, but I do see them on the posts on G+.
Please keep your ideas coming! I can promise we will not run out of subject matter for our Nature of Earth, Nature of Space and Nature of Humans!!!
New Summer Blog Event Happening!!
Saturday Night Special:
HIPPIE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, lost in the sixties tonight---------
Many of Us enjoyed the Friday Night Post-The Nature of the Dance. Through discussion on G+ on the Blog Post-We discovered that some of us are old hippies! Max in Africa set the ball in motion. Lana in Canada really wants to dance and I am going to post to this Blog the music video lineup on Saturday Nights (every week)!!! FUN FUN FUN#.
I am planning to post at 11:00PM Sat Nite, which will be midnite in Canada. Max will already be in a new day.
Anyway, for sure the three of us are going to watch the video lineup and Dance. Lana wants us to feel the Earth move under our feet!! We are going to try to just dance up some positive energy to spread out across the world!
Just like the old days! We changed the world once, we can do it again!!!!!
I invite You all to Just Dance with us on Saturday Night at Hippie Hour on this Blog.
We have each selected a favorite song for the Saturday Night this week:
From Lana: I feel the Earth move under my feet.
From Max: Just Like a Woman (Bob Dylan)
and me: Spirit in the Sky
So click in and join us! If you would like to send in a favorite song of Yours, please comment, or email, or send me You Tube vid on my G+ Profile or Facebook Profile or any of the others.
No rules only guidelines:
Music Videos from You Tube Only
Songs from the Sixties
(That would be 1960 through 1969).
To get in the mood, Just Push Play
For those of You who do not know what a Hippie is, I have put the short definition below. Also a documentary on the Woodstock Festival, which will give you a feeling of the times!!
Remember this was 40 years ago and things were very different! Yes, I was a flower child Hippie back in the day.
I want to go on record as saying now I am strongly against the abuse of alcohol. I am strongly against the abuse of drugs. I do not suggest the use of anything, anywhere at any time.
No drugs will be served on this Blog.
In the sixties there was plenty of good smoke and drugs around and they were cheap. Also, they were not illegal yet.
Once they were made illegal, most people stopped using the recreation drugs anyway. Today, the street drugs are very bad, better to just not go there. The communes did not work out too well either. But those of us that were Nature and Peace Lovers are still Nature and Peace Lovers. We did stop the War. In the old days, the motto was Make Love, Not War.
Our new Blog Motto is: Just Dance!
History of the hippie movement
Feature Presentation! Just Push Play
...this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek

image credit:https://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=hippie+movement+1960s&oq=hippie+movement&aq=1&aqi=p-p1g9&aql=&gs_l=igoogle.1.1.35i39j0l9.6601843.6606294.0.6608733.
Of course, one more great performance:
Hi Brendasue... just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. The photos in this segment are so clear and vivid! You're a great photographer! And you have a beeyutiful place!
ReplyDeleteCounting down to tomorrow night's hippie dance!
Hi Hippie chick! So happy you like the blog! Trying to reach all isolated people, so pass me around!!
DeleteWe will dance