Be Outside
How do you like to spend your free time? Hanging around with friends? Reading or drawing? Doing things with your family? Playing sports? Watching TV? Playing and exploring outside? As it turns out, spending time outside is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Parents, teachers, doctors and others that spend time with students are worried that many of you are not spending enough time outside. So, what's the big deal about being outside? Let's take a closer look. . . .
Nature Deficit Disorder
Nature Deficit Disorder — yuck, that sounds pretty bad! Actually, this term is used to describe what can happen to kids (and even adults) when they do not spend enough time outside. Spending time outside is really good for you in many ways. You are healthier, your ability to pay attention is better and you just feel better about yourself. Being outside also helps you learn to take care of the world around you.

How can being outside make you healthy? Well, for starters, one of the best things that happen when you are outside is exercise. Being outside makes you want to run, jump, climb, ride your bike, play and explore. All those things exercise your body. This helps to build strong bones and muscles. A strong body can help you fight off
germs that make you sick. Exercise also helps you stay a healthy weight. When you exercise, your body uses up the fuel you get from your food. If you do not burn off that fuel, it can build up as fat and you become
overweight. Being overweight is no fun! Extra weight is hard to carry around and you get tired easily. It can interfere with how your body works, causing serious diseases like
diabetes (dia-a-BEE-TEES). Some overweight kids even start having the same kinds of health problems as adults! Being outside is a great way to make sure that you get the exercise you need to be healthy.
Spending time outside also makes you feel better about yourself. Have you ever felt sad? Maybe you had to move away from your best friend or you did not do as well on your math test as you thought. Things like these can make you feel sad and that is normal. Spending some time outside can help you work through many feelings such as sadness, disappointment or anger. No one is exactly sure how it works, but being outside often helps us feel better and able to think about what is bothering us.
One thing we do know is that being outside helps you relax. When you relax you are better able to
concentrate and think. When you are not relaxed, you feel stress. Remember how you felt right before you had to give a talk in front of your whole class? Or the way you felt when you were trying out for a part in the school play? Well, that is stress. We get tense, nervous and worried. Being stressed for a short time is not bad. But if you are stressed out a lot, it can be hard on your body and your mind. Many people find that a quick walk outdoors or even looking out a window can help them feel less stressed out. Next time you have a big test first thing in the morning, see if you can walk to school or ride your bike. You might be amazed at how much better you feel about your test when class starts.

Being outside even helps students do better in school! Think about your science class — would you rather learn about trees by listening to your teacher talk about trees or going outside to look at trees? If you can go outside not only can your teacher talk about trees but she can also have you feel their bark, collect leaves, make bark rubbings and listen to the wind through their branches. Chances are, you will remember much more about trees if you can be outside with them. But doing classroom learning outside is not just good for science. Studies show that being outside helps students do better in all subjects. This information is so important that many schools are creating outdoor classrooms and schoolyard habitats where students can have lessons outside and explore during recess. Does your school have an outdoor classroom? If your school does not have an outdoor classroom, talk to your parents, teachers and principal about it. Interested students just like you have been important in getting schools to create outdoor classrooms.
Do you have a pet at home? Part of having a pet is taking responsibility for its care. By taking care of your pet, you learn to enjoy your pet and take care of it the best way you can.

People who enjoy the outdoors also know how important it is to take care of the world around them. These people respect the natural world by doing things like not littering and staying on trails when they hike, mountain bike or ride an ATV. When they go hunting or fishing, they follow the rules. They camp in the proper places and leave their campsite better than when they found it. At home, they might recycle and not waste water or energy. Most of these people learned to be responsible for the outdoors when they were young. And they did it by being outside doing a lot of the same things you like to do. Some grew up with families that did a lot of outdoor activities. Others were
Scouts who went camping and worked on outdoor badges and projects. And many of them just spent time outside playing, observing and exploring. They learned about being responsible for the world around them. A lot of these people loved being outside so much that they went into outdoor
careers like a wildlife
biologist or a
forester. These
professionals are counting on you and your friends to be outdoor kids so you can carry on the tradition of enjoying the wonderful world around you. Who knows? Maybe you will grow up to be an outdoor professional.
Easy ideas for Outdoor Fun

Now that you understand why being outside is so important, how do you start? It's pretty simple; all you need to do is open the door and go outside. You do not need to buy expensive equipment or take a long vacation to a far-away place. Your own backyard, your best friend's yard, a neighborhood park, a nearby vacant lot, or even your schoolyard can offer really neat things to do and observe. Just make sure that the place where you are going is a place that is safe to explore. Also, make sure that your parents know where you are going. You also need to be patient. Sometimes the place you are exploring might look pretty boring at first. A quick glance seems to tell you that nothing is around, but are you sure? Imagine how much
Lewis and Clark would have missed if they did not take the time to take good
observations! Read through the following list of fun easy ways to enjoy the outdoors. Then go outside and have fun!
Nature Journal

Keeping a
journal of what you see is a fun way for you to begin to learn about your yard or neighborhood. Many people like to keep a list of the wildlife they see in their yard or another special place. You can also record the weather including measuring how much rain or snow fell and the temperature. Write, draw, paint, make leaf rubbings, or similar things in your journal. Maybe you could visit one place every month and write about how it has changed from the last time you visited. Draw pictures of those changes. Keep a list of what you see and hear on every visit. Before you know it, you will have a lot of really interesting facts about your place.

You might observe something unusual that turns out to be a valuable discovery to science. Many interesting observations have been made by people who just took the time to observe and write it down.
Your journal is as unique as you, and you can include whatever you want. All you need is a notebook, a pencil and some crayons, paints or colored pencils and you are set!
Walk and Ride
One really easy way to spend time outside is to walk or ride your bike to school. Walking and bicycling is great exercise. Talk with your parents to help you find the safest route.

Make sure your route has sidewalks and safe crossings across busy streets. Walk or ride with your parents a few times to make sure that the route is a good one. Get your brothers, sisters or friends to walk or ride with you.
When you walk or ride your bike, you can observe many things on the way to school. You can really notice the changing seasons when you are outside every day. One day, your sweatshirt is warm enough and the next, you need to wear a jacket. If it is raining, grab an umbrella or a raincoat and enjoy the sound of raindrops on your hood and the smell of rain. If it is snowing, hold out your mitten and catch some snowflakes to see how many different shapes you can see. In spring, watch for early flowers and listen to the birds as they sing. Can you pick out the clear whistle of the black-capped chickadee as is sings 'cheese-burger' from the trees? See if you can put words to the songs of other birds. But just make sure you are not late for school!
When we think of taking a hike, we usually think of how many miles we will go. On this hike, your distance is measured in inches instead of miles. Many of the creatures that live outside are, in fact, very small and difficult to see. A
microhike will help you observe these tiny but important animals.
Take a yardstick or measuring tape and lay it down anywhere that looks interesting. Measure off about one meter or three feet. Get down on your hands and knees and start looking.

Sometimes a magnifying glass is helpful when you are taking a microhike. What do you see? Try microhiking in a variety of locations to see what differences you can find. Take a microhike on the trunk of a live tree or the trunk of a tree that has died and fallen down. What about in your garden or a field of grass? You might find that there is a lot more than what meets the eye.
I See You?
This is a fun game that you can play with a group of friends in an open area like a meadow or a park with trees and shrubs. One of you will be the Seeker while the rest of your friends hide — except that they need to hide in a place where they can clearly see the Seeker. First the Seeker stands with his or her back to the group while everyone hides. Then the Seeker turns around and tries to find everyone. But the Seeker cannot move around at all. When the Seeker sees someone, he or she calls out the color of clothing that they see like 'I see a red and blue shirt.' That person then has to get up and come and help the Seeker, but like the Seeker, they cannot move around either. See how many of your group you can find. Is it hard? What happens to the hiders that peek a lot? What about those that keep still? Play several rounds to see who is the best at seeking and at hiding.
I've Got a Bite
One of the best ways to enjoy time outside is to go fishing. The simplest way to fish is with a pole, line and a worm. Tie your line to the pole, tie a hook to your line, put a worm on the hook and put the hook into the water.
Eventually, you will probably want to get a fishing rod and some tackle. Talk to your parents about what you need. If they are not sure, local fishing clubs, sporting goods stores or your Fish and Game office can help you out. In some parts of the state you can check out fishing equipment at your library using your library card. This gives you a chance to try equipment before you buy it. See if you can attend a fishing class or clinic. These are a great way to learn how to fish or become a better fisherman.
As you become a more experienced fisherman, you will learn where the fish like to hide and what they like to eat. Learning to think like a fish can help you become a better fisherman. Plan a family camping and fishing trip for a really fun summer weekend. And remember that even if you do not catch anything, you can still have fun being outside exploring around a pond or along a riverbank.
Hello brendasue ! Du machst dir immer so viel Arbeit .Drei Videos können wir uns in Deutschland nicht anschauen , aber die anderen sind alle Spitzen Klasse .Da kann der Sommer losgehen . Bei uns ist allerdings sehr windiges Wetter und ab und zu ziehen dunkle Wolken über den Himmel .
ReplyDeleteIch wünsche dir und deinen Lieben ein schönes Wochenende. Gruß Gisela !
Hallo Gisela: Keine Sorge, mein Freund, sieht aus wie mehr Arbeit, aber nicht wirklich. meist ausschneiden und einfügen! Leider kann man nicht die Videos ansehen, sie waren lustig! Ich habe gerade herausgefunden dort kommentiert Vergangenheit meist von Seiten Sie sind. Danke-ich habe nicht diese noch zu sehen und wird in Kürze beantworten. Ich bin sehr beschäftigt draußen im Garten, aber sehr heiß hier schon! Hast du gesehen, der Blog wächst? die Seitenzahl am unteren Rand des Blogs. Wir sollten uns treffen 10.000 Seiten liest nächste Woche! Danke für eure Liebe und Unterstützung! Liebe alle meine deutsche Familie!