Tonight we will review some of this July weather via my posts on G+ and videos. There is a new alert out for August 1. 2012-Solar Flare Prediction
(scroll down to see warning)
Rare 110-Degree Day in Little Rock
Forecast Wednesday
Little Rock, Ark. topped out at 111 degrees on Monday afternoon. This was only the fourth timein records dating all the way back to 1879 that the Arkansas capital has been 110 or higher.
That said, you don't have to go far back in history to find the last time this happened. Just about one year ago on August 3, 2011, Little Rock reached its all-time record high of 114 degrees.
More 100s are in the forecast through Friday, though highs should trend less hot by a few degrees each day.

Tropical Storm Saola Targets Eastern China
From Stu Ostro (
Saola has weakened to a tropical storm but is expected to regain typhoon strength and is headed toward or just north of northern Taiwan, while its smaller cousin, Tropical Storm Damrey, is aimed toward or just south of southernmost Japan.
Satellite imagery:
From Stu Ostro (
Saola has weakened to a tropical storm but is expected to regain typhoon strength and is headed toward or just north of northern Taiwan, while its smaller cousin, Tropical Storm Damrey, is aimed toward or just south of southernmost Japan.
Satellite imagery:

Incredible Sun in Motion Video
Source: NOAA NWS Space Weather Prediction Center (on Facebook)
Fantastic video of the Sun in Motion. This is a video of an eruptive prominence on the southeast limb of the Sun which turned into a non-Earth directed CME, as well as the M6 solar flare from yesterday, and a huge plasma transfer across the face of the Sun...
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Source: NOAA NWS Space Weather Prediction Center (on Facebook)
Fantastic video of the Sun in Motion. This is a video of an eruptive prominence on the southeast limb of the Sun which turned into a non-Earth directed CME, as well as the M6 solar flare from yesterday, and a huge plasma transfer across the face of the Sun...
Ciam SawyerJul 28, 2012
I'm curious what +Philip Plait would say to the idea of the sun getting larger/hotter... Doesn't really seem to likely to me. We are moving towards the solar maximum (~ 2/2013) though...
Ciam SawyerJul 28, 2012
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Rather than waiting to see if +Philip Plait responds (he's a busy man and he might understandably not) I'll point to his own blog re: why the sun looks larger at sunset.
As for hotter, well, virtually all of the US is in the midst of a tremendous drought. Add to that the changing climate and I think we have all the answers we need. :)
As for hotter, well, virtually all of the US is in the midst of a tremendous drought. Add to that the changing climate and I think we have all the answers we need. :)
brendasue watsonJul 28, 2012Edit
Thank You so much as I had no idea on who he is. I have previously researched why the sun looks larger at sunset. My question is why it is larger at sunset now than it was last year or even 6 weeks ago? Why is it hotter now in July than it was. These are not my conclusions rather I noticed that the Greenland Ice Sheet melted in 96 hours this July, 2 weeks ago. It is reported there are now holes in the magnetic shield so the Sun energy is penetrating the polar ice and melting them at a rapid pace. Many new holes in Ozone reported letting the radiation in. Unprecedented amount of Solar Fares with Great Intensity this July. Some connect the flares to Earthquakes on Earth this July. Just so happens there is increased amounts of Earthquakes this July with higher intensity, 150 in the last week of all sizes, but greater intensity now this July. A 6.6 today. Eight quakes in Japan in the last few days. And new volcanoes.
Understandably, your friend is likely too busy to address any fears that normal non- scientist people and old ladies in my Blog might have might have at this time of Horrific Events on Earth. I do appreciate You taking your time to come back and point me in the right direction of who might possibly know WHAT is happening now.
I am still going to devote my time to trying to warn my friends to be prepared for some of these events to occur anywhere on Earth. If I can save one person by saying do not hesitate to run from an incoming wave, my goal will be accomplished. I ask anybody who has an idea to tell us. Through NASA or mainstream News or whatever.
Thank You +Ciam Sawyer
Understandably, your friend is likely too busy to address any fears that normal non- scientist people and old ladies in my Blog might have might have at this time of Horrific Events on Earth. I do appreciate You taking your time to come back and point me in the right direction of who might possibly know WHAT is happening now.
I am still going to devote my time to trying to warn my friends to be prepared for some of these events to occur anywhere on Earth. If I can save one person by saying do not hesitate to run from an incoming wave, my goal will be accomplished. I ask anybody who has an idea to tell us. Through NASA or mainstream News or whatever.
Thank You +Ciam Sawyer
brendasue watsonYesterday 9:42 AMEdit
Hi all 1+ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The long hot summer is halfway over!!!!
New Today-Just Push Play
Published on Jul 31, 2012 by GnosiaResearch
Just a quick close-up Solar view on a sweet Filament Eruption, East limb. The Sun still pretty Active on this side, next few days are going to be really interresting with the old AR11520, emerging on West limb...
Warning: Solar Storm Prediction concerning Earth on August, 01 2012 00h00 (+/-7 hours)
HD SDO AIA Imagery
More real-time Solar data/Imagery/Activity:
- Gnosia Research SDO-SOHO-STEREO missions:
"Courtesy of NASA/SOHO-SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams."
- Solar & Heliospheric Observatory - SOHO:
- The Sun Today - LMSAL:
- NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center:
Warning: Solar Storm Prediction concerning Earth on August, 01 2012 00h00 (+/-7 hours)
HD SDO AIA Imagery
More real-time Solar data/Imagery/Activity:
- Gnosia Research SDO-SOHO-STEREO missions:
"Courtesy of NASA/SOHO-SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams."
- Solar & Heliospheric Observatory - SOHO:
- The Sun Today - LMSAL:
- NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center:
Space Weather Alerts Alerts/Displays - Archive - Help
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Close all Alert Message windows. Also see Alerts Timeline Description.
The timeline is updated every 15 minutes at 2, 17, 32, and 47 minutes past the hour. If an older version is shown, [shift]Reload or [shift]Refresh tells the browser to download the latest image.
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This is the same sunspot in alert for August 1, 2012
Just Push Play
Giving You information to inform You of current activity. Excellent research into the Japan Quake of last year with the presentation by Professor Stewart. So much new information to help People in the next event
Reposting this with update on new Quakes. Good Information in Videos
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brendasue watsonJul 29, 2012Edit
Thank You Andrew! You will see many great things in your life! You have a strong foundation of Love for People and Earth. There will be Peace on Earth in your lifetime-wait and see! Have a good day. Enjoy the Games!
Dear Friends: Please share this post and information to your friends in high risk areas. This is information that could help someone now. There is a posting problem with GOOGLE and this published post has not been posted to Reader yet after several attempts, so please share

I have added a new 6.7 earthquake that happened since midnight
Please inform yourself of this warning
Please inform yourself of this warning
...this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek. See You Next Time!!
Peace be with You-be careful.
Of course, one more great performance
Just Push Play
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