Hi Everybody!!

Hi Everybody!!
Welcome to my Hometown!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Hi Everybody!!
It was just a couple of days ago that I sent out a Code Blue request for a Rainmaker for my poor trapped baby catfish. Be careful what You wish for!  I got caught in a "Gullywasher" like I told You about. I even got pics of the storm cloud system for You. The 'Code Blue' must have gone out around 4:00 yesterday as that is when the blue clouds began to show up! I was just leaving for the new Cafe 5 miles down the road (Farm Road). I took photos along the way out the car window! Anyway, while I was enjoying my 'blue Burger', the big Kaboom hit and the bottom fell out of that raincloud in a big gullywasher. Enjoy Your Photostudy of Rain. Tonight a bonus photostudy of the Battle for the Althea Flower!
Blue Clouds Rolling In (4:21 pm)

What Code Blue Really Means:

Hospital emergency codes

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hospital Emergency Codes are used in hospitals worldwide to alert staff to various emergencies. The use of codes is intended to convey essential information quickly and with minimal misunderstanding to staff, while preventing stress and panic among visitors to the hospital. These codes may be posted on placards throughout the hospital, or printed on employee identification badges for ready reference.
Hospital emergency codes may denote different events at different hospitals, including nearby ones. Because many physicians work at more than one facility, this may lead to confusion in emergencies, so uniform systems have been proposed.

Codes by color[edit source | editbeta]

Note: Different codes are used in different hospitals.

Code Blue[edit source | editbeta]

Cardiac arrest[edit source | editbeta]

"Code Blue" is generally used to indicate a patient requiring resuscitation or otherwise in need of immediate medical attention, most often as the result of a respiratory arrest or cardiac arrest. When called overhead, the page takes the form of "Code Blue, (floor), (room)" to alert the resuscitation team where to respond. Every hospital, as a part of its disaster plans, sets a policy to determine which units provide personnel for code coverage. In theory any medical professional may respond to a code, but in practice the team makeup is limited to those with Advanced Cardiac Life Support or other equivalent resuscitation training. Frequently these teams are staffed by physicians from anesthesia and internal medicinerespiratory therapists, pharmacists, and nurses. A code team leader will be a physician in attendance on any code team; this individual is responsible for directing the resuscitation effort and is said to "run the code". This phrase was coined at Bethany Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas.[6] The term "code" by itself is commonly used by medical professionals as a slang term for this type of emergency, as in "calling a code" or describing a patient in arrest as "coding".
Here You can see the rain falling out of the Cloud System

This is Hwy 6



Alternative forms[edit]


gully +‎ washer


gullywasher (plural gullywashers)
  1. (US, informal) An intense, but usually short-lived, rainstorm.

Usage notes[edit]

This term is used throughout the Midland,[1] Southern[2] and Western United States.[1] Allan A. Metcalf's 2000 book How We Talk: American Regional English Todaynotes "there are gully washers throughout the South and South Midlands, and this is one Southern term that is well-known in the central Midwest as well, as far north as Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin, and as far west as Colorado. But there aren't any gully washers in New England or the northernmost states, and the word is rare on the Pacific coast."

I am sitting on the porch of the cafe (A. J.s) as this rain is really coming down.


Cars began pulling in the parking lot to get off the highway. Raining so hard, they could not see.

I left and drove in rain all the way home until the last half mile. There was no rain at the Bird Sanctuary on Rainbow Creek. I could not believe it. The rain came where I had Sunday dinner, not where the stranded catfish are! 

Now a bonus photostudy of the Battle Of the Althea Flower:

...this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek.  See You next time! I am still asking for rain on Rainbow Creek!


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