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Thursday, March 1, 2012

You Light Up My Life With Joy (A hummingbird photo blog)

Hi Everybody!  Please Come In!

Happy March to All.  A Celebration Today of  Opening the Bird Sanctuary for the Spring/Summer Season (March 1-Oct 31). To mark the occasion, a special post tonight. Some of you may know the reason I began this Bird Sanctuary 5 years ago was a promise I made to my Mom to "to take care of 'her' birds" when she left the Planet. I lost the farm, which was not anticipated in her life. So the task of rescuing these tiny birds became more difficult! My cabin is 2 miles from the old homestead, so at least I was in the same county as the little birds. I bought the half lot next to mine from the neighbor. I walked around an empty lot and prayed for some guidance on how to create something out of nothing. Five years from that day, I can say I did it. It is not much and not fancy, but it is a beautiful memory garden and the birds found me the first year I put out the feeders (and all her birdbaths). Of course, I believe Mom brought the birds here. She loved the little birds very much. She loved me very much. It is this Joy I want to share with You.  As people we are suppose to provide food and water for the birds. Why?? Because my Mom said so and that is good enough for me!

This is the front porch of Kates Cabin. The wall on the right is "the hummingbird wall". There are lattice covered 'windows' on the bottom and open window type spaces above that. I hang one feeder in the middle of each window. The birds fly in and out the windows and lattice on sneak attacks against each other! They fly through the porch which is open on both sides! The wall on the left is the cabin exterior wall. On  the roof where you see the light coming in, is fiberglass panels tinted like sunglasses. I can watch the birds fly over the roof. Completely protected from rain. I designed this habitat and built it. It works very well for the birds and for the people watching the birds. The path of the sun over the cabin provides interesting light effects in some of my images.

It is light that is your photostudy tonight. I have been photographing these birds for five years. This past September, I discovered a special light that occurred for about 15 minutes every (sunny) morning. The sun seemed to magically light up the birds wings and the feeder. In normal daylight conditions, it is difficult to capture the wings in the camera as they move faster than (my) camera can record.  I tried to catch the light in the wings as it looks really cool. Shooting into the sun does darken the image. I do not know if others have caught the wings in the right light to glow, but I have never seen any. Maybe more will try to catch this effect!
Enjoy the birds and the great light!

The following shots are in normal sunlight so you can note the wings.

This is where I stand to shoot the birds with lit up wings. The feeder is above the umbrella. This is the small side deck off the back porch.

(Yes the bees light up also!!)

HaHa-How cool is this??

For your bonus tonight, A video of lighted hummingbirds (by me)!

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Thanks Mom-I kept the promise-The birds are loved.

......this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek.
Peace be with You.


1 comment:

  1. This is both delightful and inspirational Brendasue. Your Mom would be proud indeed!


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