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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Honey Bees & Naked Trees (Nature Photo Blog)

Hi Everybody!  The Bees will NOT sting you, so come on in!!!

Surprise Pop Quiz!
1.  What insect is hated most by humans?
2.  What insect has had the chemical warfare campaign  "Kill bugs dead or they will spread" launched against them in the form of Pesticide?
3.  What insect is responsible for a large percentage of the pollination of all fruits and vegetables consumed by all the humans of the World?
4. For 8,000 years, what is the only insect to ever yield a product for human consumption?
5.  What is the only insect ever domesticated by humans in artificial  box environment?
5. What is the only insect to be dying by the thousands from Colony Collapse Disorder?

The answer to all above questions is Bees. Give yourself 100 points for each correct answer and then go enjoy your photostudy for tonight:  Honeybees.

I found this good article on Honeybee, click on link to see:

Honey (For more info):

Bonus Segment:  Winter Tree Skeletons

Just to be clear:  Naked Trees are Trees with No Leaves!
This is not X-rated  and is safe for children to view!!
As some of you may know, I create souvenir gift cards and prints to raise money for the bird sanctuary. The images will become the top of the card. For this reason, I like adding the digital frames and effects to my compositions which adds a finished look to my cards, in my opinion.  I hope you will check out some of the editing programs as it is fun to see what some of the buttons do! Some of the group here dabbles with the digital frames:  Jerry Robin of Canada,  Gisela Kollmann  of Germany. I think Gisela would agree with me, that Jerry Robin is tops in this area of expression. He has taught us many things.  He is my bestest friend, but we do fight like brother and sister. We are both old enough that after a few days we forget what we fought about!!!! (He has a very explosive temperament, but I still love him!!) Click on their squares to the right to visit their Gallery.
Anyway, the images below are from my Naked Tree Collection, edited in Picasa and Picnik Programs. My big trees are without leaves for only 3 months of the Year. I love the tree skeletal structures which are not in view when the leaves return. These images are all from the same sunset in January 2012 when the colors were spectacular.

For more information on Tree Structure:

Bonus Tonight!  No More of my homemade videos!  My dear friend, Yoshio in Japan shared the video below. It is a real video and absolutely beautiful spring tribute. Thank You Yoshio for saving my Bloggers from mutiny if I posted anymore of my hobby videos!! (I hear You Jerry Robin!)   

Thank You all for taking a moment to come to this page. Thank You for following, commenting, plus oneing! It is so wonderful to meet Nature Lovers from all around the world. Love of Nature and our Earth is a strong foundation to build our friendships and communities online.  Joy to Everyone on the World!

......this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek! Happy Trails



  1. You've don't it again thanks for another great presentation of nature at it's best...

  2. Hallo brendasue !
    Die Fotos mit den Bienen sind Dir perfekt
    gelungen . Auch die Bearbeitung gefällt mir.
    Der zweite Teil mit den Bäumen ist auch prima fotografiert und bearbeitet.
    Wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und eine gute Nacht!
    Alles Gute von Gisela aus Allermöhe !


Hi Everybody! Please say hello and follow so I know you are here! Due to the inconsideration of people trying to put commercials on my blog comment area, I have restricted use of anonymous posts. Sorry that some hurt all.
My public email is katescabin@gmail.com No spammers or trolls