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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hot Memories On A Cold Night! (A Hummingbird Photo Blog)

Hi Everybody!  Come On In for a Joyful Post!

It is a cold and rainy night in Texas. The rain brings assurance of a Glorious Spring. We are currently under a flood watch. I have not heard the word 'flood' in a long time. Last summer brought severe drought to this region of Texas. People were praying for rain. Houston lost 3 million Trees. We lost at least as many 50 miles from Houston. We had record 100 degree heat everyday in the month of August. The rain did not come. Wildfires came close instead. It was at the height of this heat wave, rolling over parched
land, that my JOY arrived.

The tiniest of birds, the Hummingbirds, arrived at Kate's Cabin for summer holiday before flying on to Mexico. Over 200 came this past season!  We spent the drought with sprinklers running for the little birds (and trees). Twenty-five hummingbird feeders were hung so no one would run out of nectar water. They stayed until October, and then they were all gone.

So on this coldest night, wet with replenishing rain, I brought out one of the hot days to warm our hearts tonight.  Sending warm, happy thoughts to all my cold friends around the World. Snuggle up for a minute or so and view these wonderful Ruby-throated Hummingbirds of summer on Rainbow Creek.   Enjoy!!!!!!

Discover more at:

Another Bonus Night-My first hummingbird video!

....this is brendasue signing off from Rainbow Creek!  Have a great weekend and I will see you back on Monday. Peace be with You.



  1. Hello, +brendasue. Hummingbird pictures were wonderful. One summer my Aunt Marta was pet sitting for me. She was watching our hummingbirds and decided to go out to feeders and stand there with her hand on feeders to see if the hummers would sit, land, fly and feed with her there. And they did!!! She was so thrilled. As were we and every visitor we had that summer.Cause we all took a turn at standing with the hummers flying around us, landing and feeding. We found these little birds to be very aggressive! They fought each other and they make noises!!! Just to think that we all experienced such a wonderful event because my "70 something" Aunt Martha acted on her curiosity!! I am going to post her and some others pictures of us doing this.Such fun-we were like a bunch of little kids. Plus we studied about hummers and learned some "real" fact about these birds.Thanks +brendsue cause your pictures lite this memory for me. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Hey Brenda Sue..Love the bird photos! I hope you'll take a minute and check out my blog as well.. your50sowhat@blogspot.com Great blog Brenda!


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